About Us

About ID PQC


The Idaho Perinatal Quality Collaborative works to improve the quality of maternal health outcomes for all Idahoans. We promote evidence-based best practices in perinatal and neonatal care, work to reduce disparities, and improve the overall health and well-being of families. Together, we can achieve our goal of providing equitable, compassionate, and effective care to all who need it.


The IDPQC envisions a future where all Idahoans have access to and receive safe, equitable, and high-quality perinatal and neonatal care.


Access: We believe that every person should have access to high-quality perinatal and neonatal care, regardless of their background, circumstances, or location.

Equity: We are committed to promoting health equity by reducing disparities in access to care and health outcomes.

Patient-Centered: We recognize the importance of elevating patient voice in decision-making to ensure care, policy, and advocacy meet community needs.

Collaboration: We recognize that improving perinatal and neonatal care requires collaboration and coordination among stakeholders.

We are committed to working together with partners across Idaho to advance our shared goals.

Through these values, we aim to create a community of sharing, learning, and improvement that benefits all Idahoans.

Our Partnerships

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Maternal Child Health Program

Comagine Health

Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health